
TRIPLE-B* Countdown, Spring 2008!

Spring semester is about to mercifully slide into eternal oblivion and your blogs still S*CK! Can that be any clearer? Yes, probably so, but then  your parents would take me to court and I'd end up in jail. Hmmm... then I'd have lots of sketchbook time and plenty of source material, eh? It'd be like a 5 (to 10) year artist's residency.

By the final (May 10th- 8 am) your blogs MUST:

  1. Link successfully from the class blog
  2. Include images of all your finished work from the semester
  3. Include brief but scintillating text along with your finished work
  4. Include some process/sketchbook work (if you want to really look good)
  5. Link successfully to your CafePress store (make the link obvious to us. Don't let it fall below the browser window)
  6. Link successfully to your Flickr space (make the link obvious to us. Don't let it fall below the browser window and don't overwhelm your work with your family vacation pictures)

In turn, your CafePress store must have:
  • Multiple items featuring your great artwork (and not just two)

In double-turn, your Flickr account must hold:
  • Multiple images (not just two) of great work from your other classes or personal projects

In addition:
  • Get more selective with the "look" of the blog. If your blog is still the default design selection that Blogger provides to you, well, change it! Look around, make some choices about layout, color, type and more.

This is not hard to do but you do have to make some time to do it. Now is the time. The blog counts as a project (which you already know. I'm just sayin'...). You need this in more ways than one:  Why you need this blog