
Sites to upload your art

Here are a few FREE online portfolio sites you can upload your art to:

Coroflot.com - Online Portfolio, FREE, 5 images, brief summary of your skills and experience, plus your full resume

ArtAndDesignOnline.com- Online Portfolio, FREE, 4 images (& 3 Sample Images), About Us, Statement & Find Us

Voodoo Chilli - Your first 5 images are free, but after that you have to start paying.

Alpha Omega Digital - Online portfolios include samples of your work, professional information, resume, contact information, logo, personalized URL, guest book and more.

At Creative Hotlist, you can browse posted freelance jobs for free. A portfolio page at this site is $35 for 6 months, but it's free to create an individual listing which includes a link to your portfolio page elsewhere.